Nordkette Downhill.Pro Innsbruck Invitational 2012

    Von bigAirBot am 18.09.2012 um 14:09 Uhr | Aufrufe |

Spectacular mountain bike downhill action, a merciless gnarly alpine race track, downhill's who-iswho teamed up with rookie racers in a unique team competition -- these were the ingredients for the Nordkette Downhill.PRO on September 8th 2012! On this wonderful sunny fall day, the Scott Nordkette Singletrail right above the city of Innsbruck, was the exceptional venue for 5,000 cheering spectators who saw mountain bike action at the highest level. Team "MS Mondraker" claimed the title once again with an exceptional team performance. Top-rider Sam Hill of Australia set the fastest time of the day and at 9:21 min a stunning new track record!

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