Parano Garage introducing - Marc Remmert

    Von Parano Garage am 09.10.2013 um 14:33 Uhr | Aufrufe |

The mastermind of germany´s DEV clothing empire Marc Remmert has been riding for Parano Garage for quite some time already. Switching from goofy footed to regular due to some foot injury helped improve his burly yet tech riding. Now he´s spinning and grinding both directions with ease.

Nasty P - Now U Know (Last From The Past)
When the Smoke Clears
KFM Records

Sofa Modus

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Beddo Spinner Rims

The new Beddo Spinner rims is available in Black, Silver and Blue. It´s made for street-, park-, dirt- and slopestyle riding and is a 26" only rim. With 590g it´s a pretty stabile but still

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